Hi Aurelie. Tell us a little about your business
“We're a sales and marketing business. Our brands need to be out there all the time. Our sales team are meeting with their customers all the time, and talking about our brands.
There are many external-facing stakeholders who need to be aware, in order to do their jobs, exactly what's been said about our brands, our people and our company in the media. And for them it's really important to receive that information in a streamlined, clear way.”

How were you engaging your stakeholders prior to Releasd?
“Previously, we relied on traditional formats, which generally meant several emails with several different attachments.
As a business, one of our key focuses is innovation; it's about the digital world, about social media. So using multiple confusing formats to relay information just doesn't fit with that.”
“Our commercial team now have one place where they can go to before a customer meeting and see what's being said about the particular brand they're talking about that day.”
And what impact has Releasd had?
“Releasd has changed things in terms of how the comms team works, but also in terms of the wider business.It saves a huge amount of time for me and my team; everything's there in one place, and it's just done and dusted really quickly.
Our Commercial team now have one place where they can go to before a customer meeting and see what's being said about the particular brand they're talking about that day.”